Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Oh Happy Day...

Oh happy day... Oh happy day.... *sings*

It's pretty darn obvious that I'm in a good mood. Why?

Cos my work visa came through! YEAH! After months of going through paperwork, waiting and anxiety if I'll make it, I DID! WOOHOO!!

So now its figuring out if I can cancel my return ticket (one which I bought when I came here) and get some refund. If not, it might have to be a trip to SG and a quick cheap flight back. The 1st option is the best.

I've always felt a little inadequate cos of my lack of erm.. paper qualifications (I know its a shocker.. Ms Anti-Social-Conformist). I emailed a couple of local schools here. Since I'm not a local, apparently I can't study part-time without a study visa. Now that is just a bunch of bollocks. So I've been searching the net for an online or correspondence school. Did I find one?

Hell yeah!! www.sessions.edu It's a great place that has all the courses that I'm interested in.
Only thing is that well it'll be about US$9000 to sign up. It's heck of a lot cheaper than studying in NZ as an international student, but it's a big enough sum to raise blood pressure (lowly graphic designer here...). But that amount is till 30th Sept.. it's gonna go up after that. Wonder how high the hike will be. Hhmmm...

So it's eyes, toes, fingers, arms, legs and tongue crossed that I'll be able to scrounge up the money somehow. This week's lotto is $20M.. definitely gonna get a ticket. Winning even a little bit of it, would be enough for me. Enough to pay for that course, to get a glass tank and aspen bedding (I know.. pampered creatures.. but pine is bad for them) for my mice, driving license, a dog (I love creatures... :D)... That's all..

I thought I'd be somewhat cheeky and add a donation button. So if there's anyone out there with spare change, who would like to help a budding graphic design, do donate.

LOL.. now how narcissistic can that be.. well I suppose nothing ventured.. nothing gained... :D

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