Monday, September 29, 2008


It's 2:48am... and I can't sleep.

Thoughts on my work.... printer screwing up... that I should have my own images up and ready. Which means I have to go through all of my photos and sort the good ones...going through thousands (okay...hundreds) of my images, sort, pick, edit.. the whole shebang... it's kinda overwhelming.

Thoughts on personal work ... websites - 2 of them... blogs - 4 of them.... multiple accounts on flickr, gmail... working on ways to promote myself as an artist... yet realizing I don't really have the experience nor the portfolio to show it... wondering how I can explore my creative side.... am I stretching myself too thin?

Then come on the thoughts that I should be doing more... and that I'm a lazy c*** for not doing so. Aahhh... the screeching of the inner critic... how erm... sweet the sound...

They say that the worst critic is yourself. Well since I don't have a mother-in-law I suppose that's true.

Munching on ridiculously salty salsa-flavoured nachos at this hour isn't good... well I suppose I could try and make myself a cup of hot choc to try and fall asleep.. but it's too hard..

And inner critic says 'lazy b****'... *sigh* ... so how do I shut her up? *ponders deeply*


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