Friday, September 26, 2008

Ah Finally....

Ah finally... I decided to something with the 3 blogs I have. Well 3 I have set up. Yes I have 3. What are they for? I have no idea. Only the future can say, and at the moment it's got laryngitis.

Things have been speeding along over the past 2 days. Decided that it's high past time that I blurbed it all out to the world. Narcissistic of me, but then who isn't? Really...

- Busy preparing for upcoming trade show. Planning and designing catalogues, organizing databases, designing products.. At the computer most of the time (with a couple of *ahem* well-deserved snoozes on the deck.. soaking up the much missed sunshine)

- Just by chance, managed to contact the manager of an art organization. Before the company was kinda plodding along. With her contact and mass-mail to her members, we got 5 enquiries in the same afternoon! Shall I ever doubt the god of networking again? Nope. Never. All hail thee....

- Still in NZ. Slowly plodding along. Much has changed. Personality.. more mellowed. Perhaps its the environment. Surrounded by greenies. (no I haven't been infected by them). But there is something about NZ that makes you more laid-back. More at ease.
Great scenery. Crisp fresh air. It's bliss.

- Pets! I got a couple of mice. 2 female mice (brown - Dawn, black - Eve). That was the first lot. Then I got 2 more female mice (came with cage). Black spotted - Dot, White - Bim (LOL I couldn't resist). And just recently, I got 2 black male mice. So do I intend to breed more mice. Oh yeah! Only with Dawn and Eve though. My first attempt at matchmaking. I wonder what the results will be like.

For now they are dating. In Habitrail OVO (cool as) pods and right next to each other. So they can see each other. Tried to put them together (like a blind date). Oh man.. the squeals... They weren't of delight.

So introductory phase it is. Dot and Bim shall remain in the wire cage, with each other for company. Until the baby mice have been weaned. Well then it's gonna be a group affair.

The plan is to get a glass aquarium. Maybe a big one, partition it. One for the males and one for the females. Have I gone overboard and sketched out the details? Yes I have. Have I gone beyond the step of sanity and blue-printed the plans? Nope. Haven't reached that stage...yet...

Tis 1am... I should be asleep. Instead I'm aggravating my RSI and spilling my guts for the world to read.(not that I think anyone will be particularly interested in my tale..)

Oooppss.... brain just went 'Ppsssstt... sleep time. I need my sleep now! You f'in lazy c***! NOW GODDAMMIT!!'.... tis best I heed it.

Toodles for now *signs off, wincing at the internal cursing and yelling*

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